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Interconnected Consciousness

An article from the North Carolina Mountain News suggests that scientists may be finding proof that a global consciousness is emerging.

According to the article, scientists may soon prove what some in the spiritual community have claimed about prayer and meditation: that a consciousness, perhaps a global consciousness, exists, and it can be measured.

Recent discoveries around the time of September 11th have provided the latest indications of this possibility when devices around the world, known as Random Number Generators, registered significant changes in the data they collect.

The Random Number Generators, also known as “eggs,” are part of a world-spanning network and they generate random data continuously, sending it via the Internet to a location at Princeton University. Scientists at Princeton have been operating and studying this network since the late 1990s in hopes of showing evidence of a global consciousness. The scientists feel that one’s mind is not isolated within the body but rather, is interconnected.

According to the article, on September 11th, data that normally slows randomly suddenly began to register distinct concentrations in patterns, like a peak on a graph. According to scientists, it seems that the events that register significant deviations from random data “share a common feature, namely, that they engage our attention and draw us in large numbers into a common focus.”

The article suggests that if what is being measured does indeed prove the existence of global consciousness the result could be one of major significance. If the understanding and awareness of this consciousness was better known, more groups worldwide “may consciously and deliberately began to focus their thoughts, emotions and energies towards the achievement of a single intention worldwide.”

The Mountain Times: Scientific Proof Of Global Consciousness May Be Emerging
The Global Consciousness Project (GCP): “An international effort involving researchers from several institutions and countries, designed to explore whether the construct of interconnected consciousness can be scientifically validated through objective measurement.” @ 8:46 pm | Article ID: 1007441204


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